Benjamín Uriarte M.
Partner. Dispute Resolution Group
Lawyer, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Santiago.
Benjamín has many years of experience advising Chilean and foreign clients in contentious and non-contentious judicial and arbitration proceedings. He also has relevant experience in intellectual property.
He previously worked as an associate in the litigation team of Bofill Mir & Álvarez Jana Abogados, in the real estate practice of Alliende y Cía. Abogados; Philippi, Yrarrázaval, Pulido & Brunner (now Philippi, Prietocarrizosa, Ferrero DU & Uría); and is a member of the list of Referees Judges of the Santiago Court of Appeals (Biennium 2019-2020).
Languages: Spanish and English.